Viagra in India: Competing against Multiple Cost-Based Competitors and Counterfeits



Case Code : CLMM035
Publication date : 2008
Subject : Marketing Management
Industry : -
Length : 02 Pages
Price : Rs. 100

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Key words:

Multiple cost-based competitors, marketing, pharmaceutical, premium price, Viagra, India, Pfizer, counterfeit, ED market, Manforce, Penegra, Caverta, Ranbaxy, Mankind, Zydus


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Two years after Pfizer launched its blockbuster drug Viagra in India at a premium price, the world's largest pharmaceutical company was under pressure to grow the brand in India in the face of multiple cost-based competitors and counterfeits.


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Two years after Pfizer Inc. (Pfizer) launched its blockbuster drug Viagra in India, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company voiced its concern over the availability of counterfeits of Viagra in the Indian market. Unlike in the developed markets in the West, in India, Pfizer also had to contend with tough competition from multiple cost-based competitors for its popular and widely used drug to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.

Pfizer launched Viagra in India on December 26, 2005, almost seven years after the international launch of the drug in the US.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Critically analyze Pfizer's marketing strategy for Viagra in India.

2. What are the challenges faced by the company in marketing Viagra in India? How can these be overcome?

Cases on related topics

1. Marketing Viagra in India
2. Pfizer's Intellectual Property Rights Battles in China for Viagra
3. Market Leader Strategies: AstraZeneca Defending its Turf
